LilySlim Weight loss tickers

So now that I have introduced myself I want to talk about my diet. For the next 2 weeks I will be following this specific diet for myself so please don't try it on your own because you should be seen by a specialist before following any diet.

1 small avocado with soy milk. 

4 egg whites 
1 whole egg 
3/4 cup papaya or melon 

LUNCH (1:30PM)  
3/4 cup green beans, Broccoli, asparagus, eggplant. 

SNACK (4:00pm )  
1 chobani any flavor. 

DINNER (6:30pm) 
5oz tilapia 
3/4 cup asparagus, eggplant, sprouts, Green beans, Broccoli.

So this is pretty much what I will eat everyday for the next 2 weeks with vitamins, and I also work out 5 times a week. I have to say that eggs and fish are not my forte but I am trying to suck it in and reach my goal. Once I reach my goal I will be taught how to eat so I can maintain the weight and not just eat anything I feel like because it tastes good. Obviously I will have ice cream but it won't be an everyday thing. (I LOVE ice cream!) So now that you know a little bit about myself and a little about my diet I will post some pictures later and I will try to write on the blog everyday. 

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