LilySlim Weight loss tickers

I've been wanting to start this blog in April, which was when I started my weight loss journey but got carried away because of work and things in life, but since I didn't work today; because I have a bad cold, I finally decided to start! I'm now having one of those lazy days where I can't get anything done besides eating and peeing and blogging =) and also being sick =( I've been pretty good at following by diet on the sick days but it is a little harder since I am getting hungrier as I am laying on the couch all day long.
So when I have those crazy cravings I either drink some water or eat a small cup of sugar free JELLO. At the beginning of my diet there was a day that I ate 7 cups because I really wanted something sweet to eat. It didn't completely satisfy me but it helped a little (I'm not sure why I had to eat 7 but I did; hey at least it's better than eating chocolate or ice cream)

I guess this will be my last blog for today; I need to try to get some rest before working out, because I haven't worked out since saturday which was when I got this terrible cold. But I'll take it easy though =) 

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